The pressure to conform to idealised body standards is pervasive, affecting individuals across all ages and genders. This societal emphasis on appearance has led to a significant rise in body image concerns and eating disorders nationwide. The answer isn’t finding that “perfect body” it’s finding self love and acceptance. If you push your body too far from its natural being you’ll have to fight hard to sustain it which may lead to anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances and body distress.
Read MoreIn our quest for health and well-being, it’s essential to cultivate a balanced and positive relationship with food. Let’s explore the psychology behind eating habits, the pitfalls of restrictive diets, and practical strategies to overcome emotional eating and rebuild trust with food.
Read MoreWith over 3.6 million women in the UK currently affected by heart disease, it’s clear that women need to prioritise this aspect of their health. But what can be done to change the narrative around women and heart disease? Raising awareness and changing the perception of heart disease will empower women to take charge of their heart health, better understand the risk and know the symptoms to look out for.
Read MoreResearch consistently shows us that there is a positive relationship between creativity and happiness. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that individuals who engage in small, daily creative activities experience higher levels of positive emotions and a sense of flourishing.
These activities don’t have to be big, grand gestures. Here’s some ways that creativity can make us happy.
Sleep is a vital part of our everyday lives, and getting enough of it can have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.
While you sleep your body does amazing things to keep you well - both physically and emotionally. In children and teenagers especially, sleep is needed to support healthy growth and development. In adults, sleep is required to support good health and brain function, as well as positive lifestyle habits.
In this article, we will be discussing the importance of sleep and how technology can aid in improving sleep quality.
Read MoreIf you’re a woman living in today’s world, chances are you’ve heard (or even said) things like, “She’s too fat,” “She’s too skinny,” “My hair is so thin,” or “My skin is so dry.” These self-critical comments have become part of our everyday conversations, as if tearing ourselves down is just normal. But why is there so much pressure to look "perfect," and what does "perfection" even mean?
Read MoreDo you tend to prioritise other’s needs over your own? Do you frequently seek validation and reassurance from others? Do you avoid conflict and always try to keep the peace? Do you say sorry even when you haven’t done anything wrong?
If so, you might identify with the term "people-pleaser".
Read MoreBreathwork practices have gained attention in recent years for their potential effects on various psychological processes, emotional release, and nervous system regulation. A great analogy is to think of the breath as the accelerator and brakes of the nervous system much like how a car's gas pedal and brakes control its speed. When you take slow, deep breaths, it’s akin to gently pressing on the brakes of the nervous system. By learning to use your breath, you can learn to control your internal state.
Read MoreIn the world of fitness and athleticism, the focus is often on pushing ourselves to our limits, striving for personal bests, crossing finish lines and achieving a certain aesthetic. While these achievements are undoubtedly gratifying, sometimes they can be out of reach; we can place unrealistic expectations upon ourselves that can overshadow the importance of nurturing our bodies, practicing kindness towards ourselves, and prioritising recovery.
Read MoreIn a time where weight loss and cutting calories is glorified and doing more exercise is considered better, there isn’t so much time and attention given to the other side of the equation.
This article explores what can happen to our health and performance when we under fuel and overtrain.
Read MoreOn hearing the word trauma, people can associate it with a big life event, such as war or an earthquake, when in reality, it can be something we can encounter in everyday life. A traumatic response can still be experienced if there is a perceived threat or even if a person witnesses an event; a person doesn’t have to be directly involved or at the receiving end of a traumatic event.
Read MoreAs we learn to navigate adulthood, busy lifestyles and whatever else life throws at us, we can lose touch of what makes us happy. More clients are coming to me saying the same thing - they feel like they’re lost, floating along in life without knowing where to turn to find happiness.
Read MoreThe importance of gut health gets a lot of airtime these days. And there is emerging evidence to suggest that there may be a link between menopause and changes in gut health. But if you’re in your 30s, this isn’t something you need to worry about just yet, right? In fact when it comes to women’s health, it’s never too early to get clued up.
Read More‘You’re so sensitive’, ‘you’re too emotional’, ‘just get over it’, ‘you need thicker skin’, ‘yes, I’m feeling down today, how did you know?’…ever been on the receiving end of one of these comments? Then you may also be a Highly Sensitive Person (or commonly referred to as ‘HSP’ for short).
Read MoreIntuitive eating is often touted as a panacea for diet culture. “Just listen to your body!”, it says. “Follow your instincts and you’ll lead a balanced life!”, it claims.
In order to be effective, though, the practice – which encourages tuning in to your bodily desires to make food decisions – relies upon your body being powered by a regulated nervous system.
Read MoreEndometriosis is a chronic disease primarily associated with severe, life-impacting pain during your period as well as throughout the month. Sexual intercourse, bowel movements and/or urination, chronic pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, nausea, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and infertility are all other symptoms of this condition whose cause is still unknown.
Read MoreWe all experience self-doubt at times. Maybe you have a project you’d like to start, a major event you want to attend, a job application you want to make or an opportunity for a more senior role at work. You know it’s something you really want to go for, but then that negative voice creeps in telling you you’re not good enough. You start to question yourself, your capabilities and before you know it you’ve shut the idea down.
Read MoreAnxiety is a complex emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It's a natural response to situations that challenge us or push us out of our comfort zones, and it's closely tied to our overall mental health. But did you know that there's a fascinating connection between anxiety and the health of our gut?
Read MoreHeartbreak is arguably the greatest agony for a person to endure. The loss of a loved one and the ending of a relationship involves not just the pain of the news, and the need to rapidly process a change of circumstances, it can leave us feeling spinning out of control and afraid for our future. We may sincerely believe we will never love, or be loved, again.
Read MoreUnderstanding the phases of a menstrual cycle is empowering for a woman. It certainly has benefited me hugely, understanding why I might feel a certain way, or why I might be hungrier at a certain point in my cycle.
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