Posts in Meditation
The Link Between Creativity and Happiness

Research consistently shows us that there is a positive relationship between creativity and happiness. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that individuals who engage in small, daily creative activities experience higher levels of positive emotions and a sense of flourishing.

These activities don’t have to be big, grand gestures. Here’s some ways that creativity can make us happy.

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Incorporating Kindness & Recovery Into Your Fitness Journey

In the world of fitness and athleticism, the focus is often on pushing ourselves to our limits, striving for personal bests, crossing finish lines and achieving a certain aesthetic. While these achievements are undoubtedly gratifying, sometimes they can be out of reach; we can place unrealistic expectations upon ourselves that can overshadow the importance of nurturing our bodies, practicing kindness towards ourselves, and prioritising recovery.

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The Practice of Mindfulness

There has never been a more important time to practice mindfulness. With endless digital distractions and an era that idealises ‘being busy’, mindfulness is the antidote to our over stimulated world. We’ve invited Laura Jennings, who has a Masters in Nutrition, to explain exactly what mindfulness is and how just 5-10 minutes can take you from “mind full” to “mindful”.

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