In Honour of LGBTQ+ History Month

February 2023 marks 18 years of LGBTQIA2S+ history month which aims to highlight the work education charity, Schools Out, has done for the community since its launch in 2005. Each year they provide free resources for schools, businesses and organisations encouraging them to celebrate the importance of lesbian, gay, trans and queer + diversity.

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Mental HealthSarah Macklin
How visualisation can make your goals a reality

A clear vision is an important step in achieving any goal. After all, if you don’t know what you’re aiming for, how can you get there? But how does visualising our goals help us progress towards them? In this blog, Life Coach and NLP Practitioner, Laura Kettlewell, talks us through how visualisation can trigger a similar neurological response to a real life event and how we can take advantage of these neurological processes to help us make our goals a reality.

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Is Sugar as Harmful as We Think?

The consumption of free sugars in moderation is not harmful. However, free sugars are energy dense and increase the energy intake of the overall diet. Many individuals consume more sugar than the recommended daily intake without realising. The food industry incorporates free sugars into almost all processed foods, such as sauces and ready meals that are consumed daily in the typical Western diet. The excessive consumption of free sugars in food makes maintaining a healthy body weight more difficult. In addition, it has been linked to chronic diseases, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-communicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Gratitude Practice for a Healthy Mind

Gratitude practice is a form of reflection where we show thanks and appreciation for the people, places and things in our life that uplift us. Gratitude is a positive and warming emotion which in turn can have many benefits to our mental wellbeing. With the pressures and continuous tasks that the modern world places upon us, it is very easy to power through life without taking a moment to notice and appreciate what we have. We can spend huge amounts of energy on finding that bigger job, chasing that better salary, striving for a bigger social media following, but how would we feel if we just stopped for a minute? Stopped to take a moment to focus on the things that we already have in our life that are wonderful.

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PMS – How can nutrition support us through our menstrual cycle?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) refers to the psychological and physical symptoms some women may experience in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (1 to 2 weeks prior to the onset of a period). Symptoms usually last a few days and disappear with the onset of menstruation. Approximately 47.8% of women of reproductive age globally are affected by PMS. In 20% of cases, symptoms are severe and can cause significant disruption to a woman’s daily life.

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Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?

We often think of perfectionists as being highly organised, on it and thorough. In reality, perfectionism is less about striving to do everything perfectly and more about avoiding doing things imperfectly. This can mean avoiding tasks and situations entirely or withholding effort when we’re not certain we will do well. This is why someone may not realise they are affected by perfectionism because it’s so different to the traditional image a lot of us have.

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The Practice of Mindfulness

There has never been a more important time to practice mindfulness. With endless digital distractions and an era that idealises ‘being busy’, mindfulness is the antidote to our over stimulated world. We’ve invited Laura Jennings, who has a Masters in Nutrition, to explain exactly what mindfulness is and how just 5-10 minutes can take you from “mind full” to “mindful”.

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Myth-Busting Hydration

We’ve all been told to have eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated, but what’s the truth in that and when might hydration needs vary? We’ve invited Laura Jennings, who has a Masters in Nutrition, to share ideas around how body composition and physical activity levels aren’t the only factors to be taken into consideration.

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How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Tackle Anxiety and Face Your Fears

We’re often led to believe that all anxiety is unwanted and unwarranted, but in fact, some anxiety is normal - even healthy at times. Anxiety is a natural response to danger or stress, but when it becomes all-consuming or interferes with our ability to live the life we want, we need to take action.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you deal with anxiety that’s causing you to struggle in your daily life. In this article, we’ll go a little deeper into where anxiety originates from and why hypnosis is so effective in helping you manage it.

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