Join our ‘Self Love’ Vision Board Journal Club with Zainab Hudha

It reminded me to be kinder to myself. It made me stop and become aware of how I was feeling.
— June 5th "Mindfulness"-themed Journal Club Attendee


Tuesday 13th February 2024

9.30am - 11:30pm GBT.

In this session we welcome our hosting guest, Zainab Hudha. Zainab is a visual poet, author and creative-wellness coach, born and raised in Colombo, Sri Lanka. She is the founder of Muse Collective - An initiative to make better mental health, create and interactive, for ALL.

Online via Zoom

You will need a notebook or paper and a pen

Allocate 2 hours to yourself to improve your mental health and gain some new perspectives, and leave the session feeling much more clarity, taking the tools into your everyday life.

We hope to welcome lots of you, make sure to register for this free session!

  • What participants can expect:

      • Connecting with your inner world

      • Expressing yourself outwardly through art journaling

      • Engaging in guided meditation and reflective practices

      • Sharing a safe space with likeminded people

      • Creating a mood board (vision board)

  • Agenda

    • Ice breaker

    • Reflective task - guided meditation

    • Visualisation task - reflective journalling

    • Explanation on how-to mood board/vision board

    • Mood board/vision board making

I learned how my focus on past hurts and disappointments, and on the negative (in general) keeps me stuck in life. I feel sad about not making progress, but I haven’t been able to make progress because of where I am focusing. If I learn to let go of what was/is wrong or difficult, and let myself see what was or is good/ going well, then I would be able to see ahead, and move, and make even a little progress in a better direction. I know that eventually I will find myself in a better place if I keep doing that.
— July 10th "Acceptance & Letting Go"-themed Journal Club Attendee

The pro’s of journaling:

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Breaking away from a nonstop cycle of obsessive thinking and brooding

  • Improving the awareness and perception of events

  • Regulating emotions

  • Encouraging awareness

  • Supporting physical health

I enjoyed how there were different stages in the guided journaling prompts which we climbed towards, by reflecting on our first prompts and adding to them
— June 5th "Mindfulness"-themed Journal Club Attendee

Sarah Macklin