Movement with Dalton Wong
“It’s about listening to your own body and not judging what your body looks like, compared to someone else.”
Dalton is a performance coach, personal trainer and nutritional expert, with over 20 years helping clients all over the world achieve maintainable results. From award winning actresses to elite athletes, his work has allowed him to create a balanced, results-driven approach to training that's easily adapted for all ages, body types and goals.
Dalton’s focus on the four pillars of health encompasses a 360 approach to wellbeing. Incorporating movement, nutrition, recovery and lifestyle habits. Highlighting that all of these components are specific to the individual and no one way of approaching wellbeing is suitable for everyone.
“You have to trust in the process.”
Dalton brings a sensible and sustainable approach to movement, “anything that makes your body feel better. This could be lifting weights, it could be yoga, something that invigorates your body.”