Kukua Williams

“I do not base all of my self worth on how I look. I’m not going to tell you that I haven’t done, as its very difficult not to when your career is based on how you look. I dont compare myself, because I have been through bullying when I was younger. You have to appreciate the special qualities within yourself, because no one can be you.”


Model Kukua Williams opens up about the challenges which she faces as a young black model, addresses the tokenism of diversity which she experiences within the industry.

Attending a school in Huddersfield, Kukua shares how she experienced bullying at a young age due to the colour of her skin, later during her career as a model, being referred to as “the black girl” and most recently being detained for 24 hours whilst travelling to Milan for work. Something which she looks back on as one of the most traumatic experiences of her life.

She admits that in the past, these experiences led her to feel unaccepted, and question her self worth. However, with age Kuka shares that she has reached a point where she explores her race and has come to accept and be proud of her heritage. Kukua calls for the industry to be more open and honest with conversations around race and for models to be made aware of the racial disparities experienced across the industry.

Kukua encourages young people to embrace and stand up for who they are, to have the courage to speak out without the fear of being labelled as “outspoken”.

“I like knowing that I can be a role model for other people. People can look up to me and see someone that looks like them.”


Watch the full video from Kukua below