Erin Groom

Model, Mental Wellness Coach & Mentor

Erin Groom Headshot .jpg

Hi I'm Erin, I'm a Mom of a 1 year old little boy. I have been modelling since the age of 13 when I was scouted in a shopping mall with my Mom. Modelling was something I had never thought about growing up and wouldn't have known it could even be a career. However, it has been a wonderful opportunity and has taken me all over the world. I'm originally from Cape Town but have lived and worked in New York, London, Milan and Germany. At the moment I live in Scotland and work as a mental wellness coach.

I was  introduced to the Be Well Collective through my wonderful agency in London, Established Models, I immediately fell in love with the heart behind the Collective. My motivation for studying psychology and getting certified as a coach was that I wanted to serve the industry in a helpful way. 

The values that the Be Well Collective stand for and the issues that they hope to address with the mentoring programme are very much aligned to mine and the work I do. So it was the easiest decision to agree to work alongside them with this programme. 

Why do you want to be a Mentor on the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?

I want to be a mentor as I know firsthand how tough it can be to work in this creative industry. I know the pressures, doubts, worries and concerns that can present themselves when working as a model. The need for support is essential. I was fortunate enough to have a great support network and really wonderful parents to guide me and be a sounding board but I realise that this is not always the case. I don't know how differently things may have turned out for me had I not had that level of support. 

I have been trained in specific counselling and coaching skills  but at the end of the day my hope is to be a safe person for my mentee to open up to. A person that has an understanding of how things work in the fashion industry and to be there consistently for them. I see myself offering a listening ear and an empathetic heart. I consider it a real privilege to be involved in this programme.

What past experiences do you have which you believe will help you to mentor a young person in the creative industries?

I know what it's like to travel alone for work, to live out of a suitcase, to miss family and friends and to have to sacrifice certain things (at a young age) to pursue a successful career. I remember struggling with anxiety over the fast paced nature of the industry, and how unpredictable it can all be. I'm a person who naturally thrives off of routine and so working in an industry full of change I struggled with feeling I had little control over my days. I also had to learn really early on how to set healthy boundaries in place for my wellbeing.

I've had experience with living in model apartments and the dynamics that come with that. These experiences I've gone through have helped shape me and  I hope that because of this I'll be able to relate to my mentee and be a reassuring voice. 

What do you hope to achieve from the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?

I hope to achieve a wonderful connection with my mentee. I hope to offer some value, insight, warmth and be a reliable voice for them. Personally, it's also a real dream come true and adds a real sense of meaning and purpose to my years working as a model. 

I hope that my Mentee will walk away feeling more empowered and confident in who they are and where they shine in life and their career.. I would like them to feel a real sense of self worth, have a clearer idea of what they want to achieve and how they are going to get there. 

In general I would love to see a rise in mental wellness in the industry. That young people would start to feel more nurtured and supported with any mental health needs. 

What are you most excited about in starting the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?

I am excited to meet my mentee, to form a strong bond and to grow together as we set out on this journey. 

How do you think your career and health would have been affected had you had the opportunity to be mentored early in your career?

I believe it would have had a real positive impact on me. It would have been amazing to have someone help navigate my career path that had gone through it themselves. 

What is the best piece of advice that you have been given by a mentor/colleague/friend?

That you will not be right for every job or every client, and you are not meant to be. So don't take it personally. If you believe in who you are and what you have to offer then the right clients will find you. I've always believed there is space for all of us to succeed in this industry. 



Want to be mentored by Erin?