The Be Well Collective is Growing.. Meet Our Team!


Founded by model and nutritionist Sarah Ann Macklin in 2016 the Be Well Collective has grown considerably. With 2019 being our biggest year yet, as well as becoming officially endorsed by the BFC (British Fashion Council) and BFMA (British Fashion Model Agents Association).

We have evolved into a global not-for profit organisation and things are ramping up this summer as the team behind the BWC is growing and we have taken up office in the lovely area of Mayfair, London.

Meet our team

Frances Balding

I work alongside Sarah Ann helping to channel the objectives of the BWC into action. I was introduced to Sarah by a close friend during summer 2018. At the time, the BWC had already made an impact on the fashion industry by commandeering vending machines across LFW, replacing crisps and chocolate with nutritious alternatives and hosting a successful event within Select Model Management, Sarah’s agency.

This campaign developed an interest within the fashion community and it became clear there was a demand throughout the industry and across other agencies to benefit from the work Sarah was doing.

As the BWC naturally grew alongside Sarah’s already extremely busy schedule, working at a private clinic on Harley Street, modelling, and various other jobs, I came on board to assist in organising the first main event which took place over London Fashion Week. The timing was perfect, I was freelancing, advising and writing nutrition articles for various clients after recently transitioning from my job within the fitness industry. Since then I have continued to support the BWC alongside working as a nutritional advisor for a lifestyle and supplements brand.

“Moving forward, we are very excited to introduce monthly workshops, which we will be launching in July to support models in all areas of wellbeing”

As momentum builds, I have joined full time as the Operations Coordinator and Nutritional Advisor for the BWC. I liaise with our experts, agencies and models to organise everything in the background, while combining my skills and knowledge as a nutritionist to communicate advice and information via our website and social media.

Moving forward, we are very excited to introduce monthly workshops, which we will be launching in July to support models in all areas of wellbeing. Like our main fashion week events, the workshops will focus on all aspects of health and be open to all models in London. The workshops will create a more intimate setting allowing models to connect outside of their daily work environment, focusing on a different key area within health and life skills every month by our fantastic experts at the BWC. These events will not only provide practical advice and share the knowledge and personal experience of our chosen experts, but also very importantly bring an opportunity for the models to enjoy networking in a sociable environment, without any pressures involved.

It’s very clear to me that the models appreciate that the BWC is solely dedicated to their health and wellbeing, especially as Sarah has experienced many of the issues first hand and can personally relate. We receive many wonderful testimonials after each event thanking Sarah and showing appreciation for the BWC opening up the discussion on the importance of nutrition and mental wellbeing for models.

The BWC allows these topics to be brought to the forefront of fashion week, preparing the models (some of which would be their very first LFW, and some as young as 15 years old) with practical tips on how to manage stress and eat healthily to maintain energy throughout busy working days and late nights. With the addition of our monthly workshops we will be able to personally support the models not only around fashion week, but all throughout the year.

Not coming from a fashion background myself, I can only imagine the insane amount of pressure and stress the models go through, especially in the run up to and during fashion month. Countless castings and fittings, late nights and early call times, constant travel across the city and out of the country. All with the added pressure to look your best and bring energy to the job. Especially for the younger models that are just starting out. With this to consider it is no wonder sleep, good nutrition and looking after one’s mental wellbeing takes a back seat on the priority list.

However, the BWC promotes prioritising all of these aspects to support the models throughout their careers alongside encouraging these girls to lead the healthy image they are meant to be portraying on the catwalk and in ad campaigns.

I am thrilled to be a part of such a positive organisation making a real difference to the wellbeing of those who work in the fashion industry. I can’t wait to see where my journey with the BWC takes me!