Posts in Mindset
Is Perfectionism Holding You Back?

We often think of perfectionists as being highly organised, on it and thorough. In reality, perfectionism is less about striving to do everything perfectly and more about avoiding doing things imperfectly. This can mean avoiding tasks and situations entirely or withholding effort when we’re not certain we will do well. This is why someone may not realise they are affected by perfectionism because it’s so different to the traditional image a lot of us have.

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The Practice of Mindfulness

There has never been a more important time to practice mindfulness. With endless digital distractions and an era that idealises ‘being busy’, mindfulness is the antidote to our over stimulated world. We’ve invited Laura Jennings, who has a Masters in Nutrition, to explain exactly what mindfulness is and how just 5-10 minutes can take you from “mind full” to “mindful”.

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How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Tackle Anxiety and Face Your Fears

We’re often led to believe that all anxiety is unwanted and unwarranted, but in fact, some anxiety is normal - even healthy at times. Anxiety is a natural response to danger or stress, but when it becomes all-consuming or interferes with our ability to live the life we want, we need to take action.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you deal with anxiety that’s causing you to struggle in your daily life. In this article, we’ll go a little deeper into where anxiety originates from and why hypnosis is so effective in helping you manage it.

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